
发布日期:2009-04-15   作者:    浏览次数:


作者:金戈 史晋川

【摘 要】本文考察了公共支出的动态一致性问题。如果公共支出以流量的形式进入生产函数和效用函数,那么对于公共支出可能具有的三种形态(生产性、消费性和生产-消费混合型支出),我们均发现,在最优私人资本积累的前提下,公共支出实现短期最优是实现长期最优的必要条件。这意味着最优公共支出(流量)在短期与长期之间具有稳健的动态一致性。然而当公共支出以存量的形式影响经济时,这种动态一致性将不再保持。据此,我们提出了使公共支出保持动态一致性的条件。

关键词最优公共支出 动态一致性 流量 存量

中图分类号:F810 文献标识码:A


作者:聂海峰 张琥


关键词录取机制 不完全信息 均衡策略

中图分类号:F224.32 文献标识码:A





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作者:丁建军 冷志明 杨宗锦


关键词考核方式 边界区域 政治晋升

中图分类号:F061.3 文献标识码:A


作者:卢现祥 徐俊武

【摘 要】亚洲国家的经验表明,分配不均等的扩大部分抵消了经济增长对消除贫困的影响。不同的公共政策会影响到经济增长和收入分配,如何运用再分配政策调节不平等状况,对减贫和有利于穷人的经济增长模式至关重要。本文提出了一个分析转移支付和不平等水平与贫困率之间关系的框架,并对公共政策是否符合有利于穷人增长(PPG)的标准进行了分类和界定。实证结果显示,1995-2006年间转移支付的增加伴随着不平等程度的持续恶化与贫困率的略微上升,穷人从增长中受益的份额小于富人,并且收入分配格局不利于穷人,转移支付政策不符合有利于穷人的增长的标准。由地区差异过大带来的减贫效果下降和不利于穷人的增长模式,应当引起政策制定者的注意。


中图分类号:F019.6 文献标识码:A


作者:高彦彦 杨德才



中图分类号:F321.1 文献标识码:A


作者:马贤磊 曲福田


关键词】土地收益 分配机制 制度演变 博弈论

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作者:周小亮 笪贤流



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作者:莫志宏 黄春兴

【摘 要】很多人认为科斯在《社会成本问题》一文中提出的“损害具有相互性本质”这个观点很新奇,也很有价值,这不仅是因为它颠覆了传统的因果观念,还因为从该观念出发可以导向有效率的资源配置结果。本文对此提出了质疑,认为,只有在0交易成本的理想化世界中,资源在冲突用途之间的协调问题才可以转化为资源配置问题,此时,“损害具有相互性本质”这个观念才成立,否则,问题就只能基于私有产权和自由协商来解决,而这也意味着此时该观念就不再具有适用性了。


中图分类号F063.1 文献标识码:A



【摘 要】基于契约方地位和契约权内容这两个维度,国家可分为四类:掠夺型主权国家、人道型主权国家、集权型裁判国家、协作型裁判国家。特别是,从受让主体的地位关系角度,我们可以清晰地考察主权型和裁判型两类国家的性质及其演变,并由此考察政府的本质功能及其在社会经济发展中的实际行为。事实上,这种两类国家的划分也可与霍布斯和洛克的不同认识联系起来,并从冰岛与夏威夷的演化中得到历史证据。


中图分类号:D031 文献标识码:A





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Research of Institutional Economics Vol.2009, No.2

Title; Author(s); Abstract; Key Words; JEL Classifications.

1. Title: The Dynamic Consistency of Optimal Public Expenditure

Author(s):Jin Ge Shi Jinchuan

AbstractIn the paper, we study the dynamic consistency of optimal public expenditure. If the public expenditure enters the productive and consumptive functions in flow, it can be proved that the optimization conditions of public expenditure are the same in short-run and long-run under the premise of optimal capital accumulation, which implies that the dynamic consistency of optimal public expenditure (flow) holds between the short-run and long-run. While the public expenditure affects the economy in stock, however, the consistency no longer holds. Thus, we put forward the condition of holding dynamic consistency of public expenditure, which is separating of enterprise fromgovernment in short.

Key wordspublic expenditure dynamic consistency flow stock

JEL ClassificationsE61 H50 O41

2. Title: An Economic Analysis of the “Paralleling Preference” College Admission Mechanism

Author(s):Nie Haifeng Zhang Hu

Abstract:The welfare effect of the reformation of college admission mechanism and the strategies of students under the new mechanism are investigated. The “Paralleling Preference” Mechanism is different from the traditional “Preference First” Mechanism. But the reformation is not a Pareto improvement for all students. The increase of quota in submitted preference is disadvantageous to students with low scores. The equilibriums under the new mechanism are calculated when the students have the common independent and uniform beliefs.

Keywords:admission mechanism, incomplete information, equilibrium strategy

JEL Classifications:C78,D81,I29

3. Title: Risk, Information and Firm Reorganization: A Theory View

Author(s): Ai Jiahui

Abstract: The feasibility and the validity of the firm reorganization are related to risk and information. Through building a dynamic game model of incomplete information, this article demonstrates the present reorganization procedure might be defeated legislator’s expectation, such as saving firmon the brink of bankruptcyand promoting social well-being. An valid reorganization institution should based on a relative perfect capital market and an effective management right market instead of an court-leading procedure.

Key Words: risk information firm reorganization mechanism design

JEL Classifications: D02 D52 D81 D86 K22

4. Title: System Quality, Promotion Incentive Mechanism and the Local Government Behavior――A Micro-interpretation on Market Segmentation

Author(s):Chen Huanan

Abstract:Focusing on market segmentation during the economic transition in China, the paper analyzes the relationship between the so-called “championship competition” system and local government expenditure on “productive public goods”. We try to involve these two factors in explaining the local government behaviour. The paper concludes that, with promotion incentive mechanism centred, whether and how far the “championship competition” system would affect the regional economic growth depends on the economic structure and economic charecteristicin the region.

Key words:system quality, championship competition, promotion incentive, local government behaviour, market segmentation

JEL Classifications:D33 H42 K42

5. Title: Achievements Inspection Way and Coordinative Development of the Interprovincial Boundary Regional Economies ――with the Political Promotion Model

Author(s): Ding Jianjun Leng Zhiming Yang Zongjin

AbstractDifferent from the existing related literatures' angles of view, this article embarks from the achievements inspection ways which provincial governments used to assess their boundary area government officials, and it has analyzed the possibility and conditions of the interprovincial boundary regional economies’ coordinative development under the political promotion mechanism framework. The article proposed that even if promotes by the economic growth rate, the different achievements inspection way which provincial government selected (only compared with the other areas of its province, only compared with its’ neighbor province’s boundary areas, compared with both of the other areas of its’ province and its neighbor province’s boundary areas), would have the different influence to the boundary area economic development as well as the interprovincial boundary regional economies’ coordination. The proper achievements inspection way not only incentives the boundary area’s officials to develop economies, but also makes them to cooperate with their neighbor province’s boundary areas’ officials. Therefore, under the existing constitution background, the provincial governments may progress their boundary area’s economies and harmonize the interprovincial boundary regional economies’ development by choosing the appropriate achievements inspection way.

Key WordsInspection way; boundary region; coordinative development; politics promotion

JEL Classifications: D33 H42

6. Title: Public policies,Poverty Reduction and Pro-poor growth――An analysis based on transfer payments of provinces in China from 1995 to 2006

Author(s): Lu Xianxiang Xu Junwu

AbstractExperiences from Asian countries show that expansion of uneven distribution partially offsets the effect of poverty reduction owing to economic growth. Different public policies affect economic growth and income distribution, how to use redistribution policies to regulate inequality level, which is quitecrucial to reducepoverty and to build a pro-poor growthpattern.In this paper, we supply an analysis framework of transfer payments and the level of inequality and poverty rate , meanwhile define and classify standards of public policies in line with pro-poor growth (PPG). The empirical results show that the poor benefit from growth in the share is less than the rich, and the pattern of income distribution is not conducive to the poor, and the transfer policy is not pro-poor growth from 1995 to 2006 years. Therefore, policy makers should pay attention to theweakeningeffect in poverty reduction and not pro-poor growth pattern coming from the large regional disparities.

Key words: Pro-poor growth (PPG), poverty reduction,public policy

JEL classification: D31; D63; H22

7. Title: Transaction Costs in Agriculture Tenancy Relationship and the Determination of Fragment Level of Land Property Rights

Author(s):Gao Yanyan Yang Decai

Abstract:This paper analyzes the fragment level of land property rights in agriculture tenancy relationship according to three factors: market, technology and institution. The transaction costs in tenancy relationships are brought by fragment of land property rights due to labor division in tenancy relationship, but these costs can be made up by the gains from labor division and specialization. Thus, the tradeoff between the two forces determines the level of fragment. In order to cope with transaction costs, on the one hand, the ability to suffer higher transaction costs by expanding market size or improving technology level should be strengthened, and on the other hand, contractual arrangements should be used to reduce these costs directly. However, because transaction costs are always positive in the real world and keep increasing during the evolution of tenancy history, the agricultural economy cannot fulfill progress by reducing transaction costs through contractual (i.e. institutional) adjustment but can by technology promotion and market expansion. All above is proved by agricultural tenancy history.

Key Words:Tenancy contract, transaction cost, market size, technology progress, land property rights

JEL Classifications: N55 R52 O13

8. Title: The Change in the Benefit Distribution Institution of Farmland Conversion: An Analysis from Game Theory

Author(s): Ma Xianlei Qu Futian

Abstract:This paper develops a general game framework for analyzing institutional evolvement in light of the comparative institutional analysis theory by Masahiko Aoki. According to the general framework, it establishes a compound game model including land development right transfer and political power domains to explain the changes in the benefit distribution system of farmland conversion. It concludes that the actual benefit distribution system of land conversion is not simply the law and policies the central government constituted, but the game equilibrium arrived at by the central government, local governments and farmers based on the actual administration system, fiscal system and property right system of rural land. Because of little change in these exterior circumstances in short time, the present reforms of the benefit distribution system have not achieved the expected results. The policy implication indicates that the future reforms have to focus on: further constraining local governmental behaviors of land expropriation and enhancing the monitoring efficiency and disciplinal intension on illegal land expropriation of local governments; and introducing market mechanism and improving property right market of rural land.

Key words:land benefit distribution institution institutional evolvement game theory

JEL Classifications: D02 D73 Q15

9. Title: The Theoretical And Practical Dilemma Of Profit Maximization: The Practical And Theoretical Hypothesis Of The Goal Of Harmonious Development In Enterprises

Author(s):Zhou Xiaoliang Da Xianliu

Abstract:Profit Maximization is a hard-core assumption of the firm's theory in Neo-Classical Economics, which has been questioned and criticized by scholars since coming up. Mainstream Economics holds rationality of Profit Maximization as instrumentalism, and New Institutional Economics supports it indirectly and Evolution Economics rejects Profit Maximization but prefers contentment hypothesis; To solve the theoretical and practical dilemma of Profit Maximization, we ought to make it include institution and technology and so on; To have further reflection and discussion of maximize profits, we build theoretical hypothesis of harmonious development for enterprises' goal: Enterprises' goal of harmonious development at this stage should be to fit the multi-dimensional target to boost the reform of the socialist and help realize scientific, harmonious and sustainable development in enterprises at the present stage, that is, “Goal Of Generalized Profit” such as covering pure economic profit, development, harmony as well as corporate social responsibility.

Key words:Profit maximization; Goal Of Generalized Profit; Modification of production function

JEL Classifications:B21 D21

10. Title: Is Harm of Reciprocal Nature?――On the Planning Mind-set Implicit in Coase’s Thought

Author(s): Mo Zhihong Huang Chunxing

AbstractMany people think that the idea “harm is reciprocal”proposed by Coase in his “on Problem of Social Cost” is both novel and valuable, since it not only subverts traditional conception of causality, also can lead to efficient allocative results. This article disputes this, arguing that only in the ideal world with zero transaction costs, where the coordinating problem between conflicting uses of the same recourses can be transformed into an allocative problem, could the idea “harm is reciprocal” be hold, or else the problem can only be resolved based on private property rights and free negotiation, and in this situation the idea “harm is reciprocal” cannot hold any more.

Key Words:social cost; resource allocation; private property; transaction cost; planning mind-set

JEL Classifications: B25

11. Title: The Two Basal Kinds of Country and Its Realistic UnderstandingAn Analysis Based on the View of Social Contract

Author(s):Zhu Fuqiang

Abstract:The countries can be classified into four kinds based on the contractors’ status and the content of contract rights: predatory sovereign states, humane sovereign states, centralized juridical states and cooperative juridical states. This paper examines emphatically the nature and evolution of two kinds of countries based on the dimensionality of the contractors’ status: centralized states and juridical states, and distinguish the difference of function of these two governments. Meanwhile, this paper gets the theory back to the literature of Hobbes and Locke as well as gets some historical evidence from the example of Iceland and Hawaii.

Key words:Contractors’s Status; Content of Contract; Social Contract; Violence Potential

JEL Classification: H11 K00

12. Title: Adaptive Efficiency and Financial Development in China: The Role of Contracts and Contractual Enforcement

Author(s):Yu Guanghua

Abstract:The existing literature on China’s economic development focuses more on economic reform, decentralization, and the clarification and protection of property rights. There is inadequate attention being paid to the adaptive efficiency of economic actors in general and in experimenting with informal and formal contractual arrangements in particular. In this article, Guanghua Yu documents and analyzes the informal contracts developed in Wenzhou and three formal contractual arrangements increasingly in wide use in China. He argues that both informal and formal contractual mechanisms play important roles in China’s economic development. The general pattern appears to be that economic actors rely on self-enforcing informal contractual arrangements during the early state of economic development and adopt more formal arrangements when these are feasible.

Key words: contract; contractual enforcement; adaptive efficiency; economic growth

JEL Classifications: D02 K12