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发布日期:2007-10-29   作者:lj    浏览次数:

Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China

Center for Economics Research,Shandong University, Shandong ,China

August 4-6, 2008

The 5th General Equilibrium Theory workshop, Asia (GETA2008), jointly organized by Center for Economics Research,Shandong University and Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University will take place in Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, on August 4-6, 2008.

The workshop is to provide an opportunity for researchers getting together, exchanging ideas and presenting their latest research developments in the broad area of economic theory, namely, decision theory, game theory and general equilibrium theory, and other related fields. The program consist primarily contributed papers. Young researchers are also encouraged to submit their papers.

Papers on general equilibrium theory presented in GETA are eligible for an annual special issue in the Journal of Mathematical Economics.

Plenary Speakers of the conference include

・Bernard Cornet, University of Kansas, USA & Universite de Paris 1, France

・Larry Epstein, Boston University, USA

・Shmuel Zamir, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Program Committee:

Soo Hong Chew, HKUST, HK

Aditya Goenka, NUS, Singapore

Chiaki Hara, Kyoto University, Japan

Atsushi Kajii, Kyoto University, Japan

Kazuya Kamiya, University of Tokyo, Japan

Xiao Luo, NUS, Singapore & Academic Sinica, Taiwan

Chenghu Ma, Xiamen University, China. Program Chair

Yeneng Sun, NUS, Singapore

Local Organizational Committee:

Guojin Chen,Xiamen University

Yongmiao Hong,Cornell University & Xiamen University

Shaoan Huang, Shandong University

Chenghu Ma, Xiamen University

Choi-Yiu Sin,Xiamen University

Yang Zhao, Xiamen University

Submissions can be made through the official web:


Submission Deadline:15 March, 2008

Accommodation supports will be provided for all presenters.

Xiamen University was founded in 1921 by Mr. Tan Kah-Kee, a well-known oversea Chinese patriot. The university is located on the resort-like island of Xiamen which has a reputation of Garden over the Sea and has direct flights to many major cities in Asia. Thanks to the contribution and influence of the late president, Professor Wang Yanan, a prominent economist who first translated Adam Smith’sWealth of Nationsand karl MarxsDas Kapitalinto Chinese, economics study in Xiamen University has been among the very top programs in China. The Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (http://www.wise.xmu.edu.cn) is a recent effort of the Ministry of Education of China and Xiamen University to build a first class research institute and facilitate domestic and international research and academic exchanges.

Founded in 1901, Shandong University is one of the oldest and prestigious universities in China. Center for Economic Research, an independent institution of scientific research and graduate student cultivation, which is directly subordinate to Shandong University, was founded in 2001. “Cheung Kong Scholar” Professor Dr. Huang Shao-an is the president now.

CER attaches much importance to theoretical economics and applied economics, and has made a great deal of achievements on the basic theorectical research such as property rights theory, institutional economics (including law and economics), general equilibrium theory, finance mathematics and finance engineering, business cycle and economic growth, public economics and theory of human capital.

CER has an excellent faculty full of creative spirits. So far as general equilibrium theory is concerned, Professor Haiyun Ye and Professor Zhiping Xie are outstanding scholars in China. Professor Xie’s bookAn Analysis of General Equilibrium with Positive Transaction Costhas been published by Shanghai Sanlian Press in 2006. And he has also published some articles about General Equilibrium on the important professional periodicals . CER is seeking to become a first class research institute in China, and tries to promote the theoretical researches and academic exchanges not only at domestic but also abroad.

Links to Previous GETA Workshops:

1. 2004, Kyoto


2. 2005, Tokyo


3. 2006, Taipei

4. 2007, Singapore


中国 厦门 厦门大学 王亚南36365线路检测中心|主頁欢迎您

中国 济南山东大学 36365线路检测中心|主頁欢迎您(中心)




在研讨会上发表的关于一般均衡理论的文章有资格在Journal of Mathematical Economics的年度特刊上发表。


Bernard Cornet,美国堪萨斯大学和法国巴黎大学

Larry Epstein,美国波士顿大学

Shmuel Zamir,以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学


香港香港科技大学Soo Hong Chew

新加坡国立大学Aditya Goenka

日本京都大学Chiaki Hara

日本京都大学Atsushi Kajii

日本东京大学Kazuya Kamiya



新加坡国立大学Yeneng Sun














2001 年 6 月,山东大学36365线路检测中心|主頁欢迎您(中心)组建, 教育部“长江学者”特聘教授黄少安博士任院长。它是直属山东大学、独立建制的科研和研究生培养机构。研究院(中心)对理论经济学和应用经济学同等重视,已经在产权理论和制度经济学(包括法经济学)、一般均衡理论、金融数学与金融工程、经济周期与经济增长理论、公共经济学、人力资本理论等领域取得了一些重要的基础性的研究成果。研究院(中心)有一支年轻精干、富有创业精神的优秀学术队伍,一些学者在一般均衡理论方面取得了重要的科研成果,如叶海云教授、谢志平教授,谢志平教授的《交易成本不为零条件下的一般均衡分析》已于2006年由上海三联出版社出版,同时他还有一些研究一般均衡理论的文章在各类重点期刊杂志上发表。山东大学36365线路检测中心|主頁欢迎您(中心)近年来为建设成为一流的研究院、并促进国内和国际的研究和学术交流做出了不懈的努力。