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发布日期:2019-12-19   作者:    浏览次数:
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题目:Exclusive Data, Price Manipulation, and Market Leadership (排他消费者数据价格操纵与市场领导地位)

时间:20191223 下午3: 00


内容摘要:The unprecedented access of firms to consumer level data not only facilitates more precisely targeted individual pricing but also alters firms’ strategic incentives. We show that exclusive access to a list of consumers can provide incentives for a firm to endogenously assume the price leader’s role, and so to strategically manipulate its rival’s price. Prices and profits are non-monotonic in the length of the consumer list. For an intermediate size, price leadership entails a semi-collusive outcome, characterised by supra-competitive prices and low consumer surplus. In contrast, for short or long lists of consumers, exclusive data availability intensifies market competition.

简介:顾一泉(Yiquan Gu)目前在英国利物浦大学管理学院任经济学副教授。其研究领域主要为产业经济学与微观经济学理论。目前的研究侧重于信息中介、市场透明度、普通市场和金融市场企业的模糊策略等方向。其论文发表于International Journal of Industrial Organization, Economics Letters, Journal of Industrial Economics,Papers in Regional Science, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation等国际知名期刊。