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发布日期:2024-09-20   作者:    浏览次数:
时间 2024年9月26日 10:30 地点 山东大学邵逸夫科学馆401;腾讯会议:273-843-192 (0926)

时间:20249 26 1030


腾讯会议:273-843-192 0926

题目:Gender information, personal preferences and children’s behavior -- Evidence from China.

内容摘要:Gender information and personal preferences, including individual and social preference, have a strong impact on Children’s behavior, In this presentation, I will present two projects related to children. The first project explores how same-gender pairing affects children’s social preferences. For this purpose, we conducted experiments involving a sample of more than 1000 children aged 8–12 years from two primary schools in China. The findings yielded by a randomized experimental design indicate that knowing that the partner is of the same gender makes children more likely to be altruistic or egalitarian type, but does not have a significant effect on the spiteful type. Specifically, when the subjects know that their partner is of the same gender, boys are more likely to be altruistic than girls, and girls are more likely to be egalitarian than boys. The second project investigates the relationship between individual preference and after-school time allocation. By focusing on three critical types of after-school time allocation, namely leisure, household work, and homework, we have found that more impatient children allocate more time to online entertainment and less time to watch TV. Meanwhile, more risk-averse children devote less time to play outside and more time to assisting their parents in household work. Additionally, more ambiguity-averse children spend less time on exercise. These findings indicate that the individual preferences of children can predict their decisions regarding time allocation.

专家简介:黄振兴,上海财经大学经济学院教授,博士生导师。 他的主要教学和研究领域包括行为经济学,行为金融学,决策理论,实验经济学。他拥有荷兰丁伯根经济研究所(Tinbergen Institute)和鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯(Erasmus University)大学博士。 黄振兴是上海市曙光学者,青年拔尖人才,洪银兴经济学奖获得者。他的论文发表在国际经济学顶级期刊 American Economic Review 以及 Econometrica 上。除了学术写作,他的作品也同时发表在第一财经,财新等媒体。