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发布日期:2023-04-06   作者:    浏览次数:
时间 2023年04月06日 14:30 地点 邵逸夫科学馆东二层第六会议室



题目:Estimation and inference for regression with nonstationary variables

摘要:In this study, a novel inference procedure for coefficient estimates of regression model with stationary and integrated or near-integrated variables is proposed. Simulations demonstrate that the method has favorable finite sample performance over some existing approaches. An empirical application highlights the value of the proposed methodology.


题目: Political Survival, Local Accountability, and Long-Term Development: Theory and Evidence

摘要:We explore how political survival and local accountability shape the policy choices of officials and affect local development. We argue that county leaders from the strong affiliation were less likely to pursue pro-development policies because their political survival relied on loyalty to the provincial leader than on grass-root support. By contrast, the political survival of county leaders from the weak affiliation depended on grassroots support, which increased with better local development. Furthermore, a guerrilla presence in a county improved development performance by intensifying local accountability of the county leader. We find supporting evidence using county-level performance in Fujian Province in China. Being from weak affiliations and hence having local accountability are associated with sizable long-term benefits including economic growth, private-sector development, citizens’ education levels.