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发布日期:2023-03-01   作者:    浏览次数:
时间 2023年03月02日 14:30 地点 邵逸夫科学馆东二层第六会议室



题目:Study on the Dynamic Development of Advanced Digital Technology

摘要:To study advanced digital technology (ADT), this research constructs a multilayer heterogeneous evolutionary game network. The behaviour of heterogeneous enterprises is dynamically described by differential equations on a scale-free network, and an enterprise learning network was established. Heterogeneous consumer behaviours were dynamically described by differential equations on the small-world network, and a consumer contagion network and threshold network were established. In the network, consumer choice behaviour affects market demand, market demand affects enterprise profit, and enterprise profit affects enterprise game behaviour. Government policies affect both consumer and enterprise behaviour. The evolutionary game mechanism is formed in such a cycle among the enterprise network, the consumer network and the government policy, which jointly affects the dynamic diffusion of ADT. The simulation results show that subsidy policy promotes technology diffusion more significantly than tax policy before consumer behaviour stabilizes. After consumer behaviour stabilized, both tax and subsidy policies significantly promoted technology diffusion.


题目: 区域协调发展、财政金融政策与贫困地区农民增收




摘要:本文在Arrow-Debreu 1954年研究的竞争经济中引入暴力,发现在引入暴力前后均衡的性质迥异:即使在引入暴力前均衡是唯一的、Pareto有效的和公平的,在引入暴力后,均衡不但是不确定的、没有效率的和极不公平的,而且均衡时任何人都可能丧失选择权。虽然自觉地控制暴力的使用程度能够改善资源配置,但当多人具有暴力时,会出现道德互信的问题。在引入暴力前,供给和需求决定价格。但在引入暴力后,如果无节制地使用暴力,则价格是不确定的;如果有节制地使用暴力,则供给、需求和暴力的使用程度三方才能决定价格。