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发布日期:2022-11-02   作者:    浏览次数:
时间 2022年11月3日 14:30 地点 邵逸夫科学馆东二层第六会议室

时间:2022年11月3日 14:30



题目:The mind behind disagreement

摘要:Theories on opinion disagreement and belief polarization generally depend on the heterogeneity of priors, while where the different priors come from is not well answered. We find that people’s different processing of information (reasoning ability), different thinking about the relationship between self and the environment (internal locus of control), and different thinking about the relationship between self and others (collectivism tendency) significantly explain the opinion diverging over COVID policies in China. We also find that 76.5% of respondents are supporters of “Zero-COVID”, indicating China’s COVID policy rests in the mind of the masses. The study suggests that people’s fundamental ways of thinking are important sources of polarization and determine the direction of public policies.


题目:Power Distribution and Distributive Politics in Local Developmental States: Evidence from China's Subnational Land Fiscalization

摘要:Land fiscalization in China is a local development strategy intended to tilt the distribution of interests disproportionately toward local officials. We propose that the degree of power concentration among provincial Chinese leaders affects their need for support from lower level bureaucrats. The more that power is dispersed among provincial leaders, the more they are incentivized to dispense benefits to local officials. To test this hypothesis, we used provincial-year panel data spanning 2003–2012 to examine how power concentration among provincial leaders affected land fiscalization within their jurisdictions. The empir ical results robustly supported the hypothesis.