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山东大学首份英文经济学期刊(China Journal of Economic Research)正式创刊

发布日期:2014-03-24   作者:    浏览次数:

2014年3月28日下午2点30分, 我院与世界最大的科技出版社之一的德国Springer出版社成功签署协议,创建英文经济学刊China Journal of Economic Research。院长黄少安以及黄凯南、林晨、周洪涛、吴吉林、丁洁瑶、Kevin Chua、隋鹏、段昊、张雷等我院部分老师和Springer出版社的代表出席了此次签约仪式。这标志着山东大学首份经济学英文期刊正式创刊。

China Journal of Economic Research(以下简称CJER)是由山东大学36365线路检测中心|主頁欢迎您主办,由教育部“长江学者”黄少安教授担任主编,CJER致力发表经济学理论和应用研究的最新进展,是一个综合类的经济学期刊,领域包括:制度经济学、计量经济学、宏观经济学、微观经济学、健康经济学、金融经济学等,每期设有制度经济学研究专栏。CJER尤其关注对中国转型经济的理论和应用研究。期刊面向的读者包括学术研究人员、政策制定人员和高校师生等。国际著名经济学家Andrew Schotter教授、Geoffrey. M. Hodgson教授、Cheng Hsiao教授、Oliver Linton教授、Peter Sinclair教授、Ugo Pagano教授、Xiaohong Chen教授和Yongmiao Hong教授等担任学术顾问。


附录:China Journal of Economic Research简介

China Journal of Economic Research

China Journal of Economic Research (CJER) is the journal of the Center for Economic Research at Shandong University, edited by Professor Shaoan Huang. It is devoted to introduce readers to the study of the latest development of economic research. It welcomes all fields in economics, including Institutional Economics, Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Health Economics, Financial Economics, etc; it also encourages ideas from interdisciplinary study. There is a special column about Institutional Economics in every issue. The CJER also promotes theoretical and empirical research in China Economy, enhances and improves our understanding the economic transformation.

The targeted readers are academic and policy researchers, university students who have the common interest in understanding the latest development of economic research.

China Journal of Economic Research’s first issue will be published by Springer in 2014.

Editorial Board

Shaoan Huang (Co-Editor-in-chief)

Center for Economic Research, Shandong University

Geoffrey. M. Hodgson (Consultant Editor)

The Business School, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Kainan Huang (Deputy Editor), Roland Cheo (Editor), Kevin C. Chua (Editor), Hongtao Zhou (Editor), Chen Lin (Editor), Lixin Sun (Editor), Jilin Wu (Editor), Lei Zhang (Editor), Jieyao Ding (Editor), Hao Duan (Editor), Peng Sui (Editor).

International Advisory Board

Andrew Schotter Department of Economics, New York University

Arthur Lewbel Department of Economics, Boston College

Cheng Hsiao Department of Economics,University of Southern California

Oliver Linton Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University

Peter Sinclair Department of Economics, University of Birmingham

Ugo Pagano University of Siena and CEU

Xiaohong Chen Department of Economics, Yale University

Yingyi Qian School of Economics and Management, Tsinghuang University

Yifu Lin National School of Development, Peking University

Yongmiao Hong College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University

Yang Yao National School of Development, Peking University

Notes for Contributors

All articles must be in English. Normally, articles (including footnotes and references) must be no longer than 15,000 words. In special cases, such as an extended review or survey article, this limit may be extended to 18,000 words. An accurate declaration of the total word count (including footnotes and references) must accompany each article.

Submissions should be accompanied, in the email text or in a separate file, with the following details: the name(s) of the author(s); the email address of the corresponding author; and the institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s).

Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.